Discussion in 'Video courses, training material' started by admin, Oct 20, 2024.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member


    Скриншот 20-10-2024 134833.jpg

    That first $100k is going to be the hardest goal you are ever going to try and achieve. It will seem impossible and the journey there will not be easy. But the hardest things to accomplish in life are often the ones that are the most rewarding.
    I believe that the goals you are trying to achieve are solely dependant on how ready you are as a person. If you aren't ready, you simply won't achieve it, you just won't be allowed to. Until you figure out and fix each dent in your system and psychology, you will keep being held back. Don't take the things that hold you back as negative, understand that you are experiencing them so that you can learn something new about yourself and/or fix an old problem. Once you embrace each set back, each consolidation period, and every resistance, the only way from there is to fly and finally achieve your goals. Now, you are ready.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2024