how to participate in a joint purchase

Тема в разделе "НОВОСТИ И ПРАВИЛА", создана пользователем admin, 24 фев 2024.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Команда форума

    1. how to participate in a joint purchase

    Click on the button - participate in a joint purchase



    next, select the main or backup list.

    Dear participants!!!
    Please pay attention to this!!!
    Main list - you can only subscribe to it if
    you are ready to pay this cost within 5 days
    after the announcement of the fundraiser! If you have subscribed to
    the main list has not been paid within 5 days after which you will
    fined twice the amount of fundraising.
    And until you pay this amount you will not be able to participate in the promotion
    other joint purchases!!!

    Reserve list: - you can subscribe to it and make a payment
    later, when you need it. There are no penalties here
    sanctions'. But you will pay 30-50% more than in the main list!