Тема в разделе "Adobe XD", создана пользователем admin, 12 апр 2024.

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    1. admin, 2. forexsklad;
  1. admin

    admin Administrator Команда форума



    Do you want to design outstanding apps? Impressive prototypes that look like the real deal but without any coding? This course is a masterclass – a comprehensive approach to mobile app designing. I’ll teach you everything you need to know, from A to Z. We’ll use Photoshop, Adobe XD, Zeplin. I've taught over 220.000 students on Udemy and I'm a best-selling instructor!

    You’ll learn about Material Design, the principles of color, spacing, and typography, tips and tricks, how to get design resources, and much much more. Get a life skill that’s high in demand in today’s job market, all for the price of a fancy coffee. Create beautiful apps, interactive prototypes, and supercharge your career.

    You'll learn to:

    • Design beautiful mobile apps;

    • Create interactive prototypes without any previous knowledge;

    • Use Photoshop for mobile app design;

    • The principles of Material Design;

    • Learn Adobe XD from scratch;

    • Prepare all the files for developers through a special program called Zeplin;

    • How to size elements correctly on ALL phone types and sizes;

    • Typography best practices;

    • Where to get design resources like icons, custom graphics, photos, and more;

    Requirements and your expectations
    Join Our Photoshop Community and Download all Resources
    Photoshop vs Adobe Experience Design vs Sketch
    Don’t design any mobile app without this!
    Activity: Design your first app layout – Part 1
    Activity: Design your first app layout – Part 2
    How much money can you earn as an app designer?
    Preview your designs on your phone
    Optional - Computer requirements
    Discover the differences between Android and iOS apps
    Set up Photoshop for app designing
    Best settings for an Android project in Photoshop
    Must-know artboard features in Photoshop
    10 Tips to efficiently work with vectors in Photoshop
    Best tips for layer alignment
    Learn to efficiently select layers in artboards
    Exercise: Layer selection and repositioning
    Solve the previous exercise
    Best typography tips for app designing
    Learn how to actually use smart objects
    Introduction to Material Design
    Android interface components overviewLearn to design the action bar
    The simple guide to sizing components in pixels
    Sizes in pixels & action bar showcase
    Everything you need to know about tabs
    Displaying content in cards
    Beautiful and effective buttons on Android
    Text Fields
    Introduction to this section
    Understanding the brief and the client's wishes
    Analyze the app’s competitors – Part 1
    Analyze the app’s competitors – Part 2
    Layout for the location (1) and listing (2) screens
    Layout for the restaurant details (3) screen
    How to make great design choices
    Design concepts for the location screen (1)
    Design concepts for the restaurant listing (2)
    Restaurant listing alternatives (2)
    Final restaurant listing variations (2)
    Design concepts for the restaurant details (3) screen
    Choosing the best typeface
    Define and refine our app’s style
    Finishing touches screen 1
    Finishing touches on screens 2 and 3
    Section overview
    Section introduction
    What do you want to be? A designer or a problem-solver?
    Discover the one thing that ruins all your designs
    UI Icons in Android apps
    Hands-on icons: Create a dashboard panel
    Android Icons: Case studies
    A guide for app design inspiration
    Target audience and the app’s story
    Create a mood board
    Discover what makes an app beautiful
    Android color fundamentals
    How to use color appropriately
    The principle of color contrast
    The best color schemes from top apps
    Tools for awesome color schemes
    How to implement a color scheme
    Android typography fundamentals
    7 rules for Android legibility
    Guide for perfect font sizing in Android apps
    Typography: what the biggest apps are doing
    How to make lots of text look great
    How to pair fonts correctly
    iOS apps – Overview
    1x, 2x, 3x, PPI, notch?! iOS artboard size guide
    App design comparison: iOS vs Android
    My take on the official UI Kit
    iOS status bar (with/wo Notch)
    iOS Navigation bar
    iOS Tab bar
    iOS Text Fields
    iOS Controls
    Running Android apps on Mac OS
    The official iOS typeface – should you use it?
    iOS conclusions
    Section introduction
    Preparing the PSD for 20+ screens
    Login and registration screens – version 1
    Login and registration screens iteration
    Design the right menu
    Design the left menu
    Creating card-based layouts for Addresses and Payments
    Add a payment method – Design a credit card
    Design the Reviews screens
    Create the restaurant’s address and user profile screens
    Making the order history screen & success page
    Create the order details screen
    An overview of our progress
    Introduction to Adobe XD (Experience Design)
    Learning XD and setting your expectations
    An overview of XD’s interface
    Getting around in Adobe XD
    Selecting layers in XD
    Shape fundamentals in Adobe XD
    Editing shapes in Adobe XD
    Text fundamentals in XD
    Grid and smart guides
    Pen tool
    Working with photos and masks
    Adobe XD tips & quirks
    Optional - Disable Adobe XD's Recording Message on Windows
    From Photoshop to XD
    Create real-life mockups in just a few clicks
    Lightning speed with the Assets panel
    Linked symbols
    Preview and device preview
    Prototyping overview and sharing your design
    Create interactive prototypes
    Prototyping tips and tricks
    Make your app prototype seem real
    The incredible auto-animate and drag
    The Libraries panel
    Introduction to Zeplin
    What the coder gets out of Zeplin
    From Photoshop to Zeplin to Android Developers
    Anything is possible in Android! Make clients & coders love you
    Design specs through XD
    Exporting from XD
    The best way to work with coders in Zeplin
    Import and fix the PSD in Adobe XD
    Setting up the prototype
    Prototyping the login and register screens
    Dealing with the City dropdown
    Creating the map interaction
    Finishing the initial screen interactions
    Analyzing our progress
    Recover password and create an account
    Recreate the restaurant listing in Adobe XD
    Creating a search bar
    Connecting the left menu
    Connecting the filters
    Creating an animated tab system for the dish listing
    Creating the app’s routes – difficult!
    Continuing route 1: user registers at the beginning
    Route 2: user registers during checkout
    Route 3: user already has an account
    Restaurant information and reviews
    Fine-tuning and project analysis
    Preparing to export to Zeplin
    Export to Zeplin
    Final Thoughts & What's Next

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