Тема в разделе "C Sharp (C#)", создана пользователем admin, 4 июн 2024.

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  1. admin

    admin Administrator Команда форума


    Скриншот 04-06-2024 120735.jpg

    Скриншот 04-06-2024 120748.jpg

    Students will learn to create their own computer programs using the C# programming language. This programming course is meant for ANYONE WHO WANTS TO LEARN TO CODE. Of course we cover C# syntax but more importantly we introduce the PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS necessary to convert practical problems to solutions in code... You get paid for solving problems everything else is just a technicality.

    Our focus will be working with Visual Studio on Windows machines . All coding examples are fully compatible with the LATEST Visual Studio Edition (As of 2020 Visual Studio Community 2019)

    A language like C# is typically learned "in a vacuum," and stripped of potentially distracting visual elements or front-end graphical interfaces. This type of learning process - which is considered the standard approach - is great for communicating the fundamentals. It allows you to focus on the most important and basic programming concepts you will need to understand, and is often presented through the output of a static, text-based console window. However, learning a language in this console vacuum can also be bland and boring, and can often lead to students becoming disengaged entirely.

    Students are more likely to remain engaged by learning how to build Windows applications from day one in tandem with learning the C# programming language. Therefore, my lectures are designed to keep you engaged with the process of learning C# fundamentals by presenting them through a series of lessons aimed at creating simple, Windows Form based applications.This course, by jumping right into apps with a Graphical User Interface, allows the learner to feel like they are learning concepts that produce a tangible result.

    The first section of the course serves as a primer/refresher to get everybody up to speed.This course assumes absolutely nothing about what you already know, and skips no steps in getting you to know Windows Forms. It walks you carefully through every possible feature you can imagine, and has in its source code hundreds of existing projects you can learn from, or expand on to make your own project. It's worth sifting through a dozen mediocre Udemy courses to find a gem like this. It's pretty close to a one stop shop for taking you from knowing nothing about WinForms, to building your own applications.

    This course has more hours of video instruction (30 + hours) , lectures (146+) and exercises and supplemental resources (326+) than virtually any other Introductory C# course offered on Udemy. All for one low price.

    Students will be exposed to all the stages in software development and develop problem-solving skills as well as learn the syntax of the C# language.

    The challenges/applications are drawn from a variety of situations in the home, school and workplace. They address a wide spectrum of interests including:

    • Business
      • sorting

      • searching

      • data analysis

      • connecting to a sequential and relational database (SQL)
    • Science
      • probabilistic simulations (using random numbers)

      • deterministic simulations (using concepts from physics and math... Plinko Game )
    • Social Studies (Geography)
      • Distance between two cities Table Lookups

      • Country Telephone codes
    • Math
      • hidden pitfalls of computer arithmetic in real world applications

      • famous mathematical algorithms and their applications (Euclidean Algorithm)

      • solving mazes and puzzles using the concept of recursion
    • Cryptography
      • validating codes like SIN (social insurance numbers) , VIN, ISBN

      • coding and decoding messages using classical encryption techniques

      • a peek into more advanced techniques (Steganography)
    • Graphics
      • creating a program that plays a classical memory game on a 4x4 grid

      • creating applications utilizing drag and drop events
    • Gaming
      • animation basics

      • using a back buffer (double buffer) to improve flicker

      • creating simple 2d games using keyboard and mouse movement and incorporating sound effects
    • All course material (demos, notes) will be available for download during each individual lecture. The only software required to start the course is the free version of Microsoft Visual Studio Express or Community Edition for Windows (link provided in intro lecture)
    • Our focus will be working with Visual Studio on Windows machines.
    Who this course is for:

    • This course is meant for individuals who are somewhat familiar with basic C# syntax or any other programming language but who would only consider themselves slightly above beginners. This programming course is meant for ANYONE WHO WANTS TO LEARN TO CODE . We cover C# syntax but more importantly we introduce the problem solving skills necessary to convert practical problems to solutions in code. The first section of the course serves as a refresher to get everybody up to speed.
    • Not sure you have enough background to take the course ? Then I would recommend taking my first course "C# Programming for Beginners:practical Applications Approach" before attempting this course
    What you'll learn:

    • Program fluently in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Understand how to create a basic Windows Form Application ... No Console Apps
    • Understand the basic concepts of Selection, Repetition, Methods and Exception Handling
    • Understand the intermediate concepts of Arrays (one,two,three dimensional), Random numbers,Object Oriented Programming, String handling
    • Understand the advanced concepts of Recursion, Sorting and Searching Techniques, Database Programming using SQL, Graphics and Animation Techniques
    • Apply the programming skills learned to create meaningful computer applications from the world of Business, Science, Math, Cryptography, Graphics and Gaming
    • Create Business applications which incorporate sorting, searching, data analysis and connecting to a database
    • Create Science applications which incorporate probabilistic and deterministic simulations
    • Create Social Studies applications (Geography) which incorporate table lookups (searching) to determine the distance between two cities or the telephone code for a country
    • Create Math applications that illustrate the hidden pitfalls of computer arithmetic in the real world, and applications that solve mazes and puzzles using recursion
    • Create applications from the world of Cryptography which validate SIN (Social Insurance Code), VIN, ISBN numbers and also create applications which code and decode messages.
    • Create Graphics applications which incorporate drag and drop events
    • Create several 2d Game Applications which incorporate flicker free animation and allow the user to use the keyboard and mouse to control movement.
    • Fully appreciate the wide range of applications that the study of Computer Science provides.
    • * NEW * Create simple applications using the UI Paradigm Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
    • * NEW * Extend the idea of coding and computational thinking by solving a series of advanced problems (PROGRAMMING CHALLENGES) from a wide variety of disciplines.
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