Тема в разделе "Video courses, training material", создана пользователем admin, 12 июл 2024.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Команда форума


    Learn & Earn Trading University Dream Starts Now

    Learn & Earn Trading University Dream Starts as more and more people are looking for financial freedom and the ability to live life in their own terms, the trading course is the best way to begin the journey.

    What You’ll Learn In Drewize Banks Course?
    All thru Zoom Sessions

    • Level 1- Basic Technical Knowledge.
    • Level 2- Psychology & Risk Management.
    • Level 3- Master | Funded Trader.
    About Instructor
    Meet the Leader of the Wolf Pack

    Andrew Wayne Jr.

    Everything started back in 2016 when I signed up for Cue Banks 5 Day Course with no previous knowledge of Forex. I took a leap of faith and flew to California where I took the 5 Day Course with Cue. The reason I chose trading was because of the financial freedom it entailed. The ability to wake up and do whatever you want, whenever you want was the ideal dream for me. Cue taught me the basis of trading. I just had to focus and stay dedicated to my vision.

    In January 2017 I decided to put my full focus into learning how to be the best Forex trader. This definitely was not an overnight success, but I knew I needed to keep studying to achieve the goals I had set for myself. I kept experimenting with Cue’s Foundation and learning from my own lessons until I was able to build and develop my own perspective on how I analyze the markets. I knew at this moment I had “Bossed Up” and trading required a major amount of discipline.

    In 2019, I started making over 6 figures, but I realized I couldn’t keep all the knowledge to myself and decided to launch BossinUpWIthDrewize where I personally mentored others in my style of trading. BossinUpWithDrewize was designed for students that want to learn the art of my trading style with me every step of the way. The app helps build consistency without having to risk a lot of capital, and being able to still gather huge gains. My students are able to bridge the gap quickly and can go from basic knowledge of the markets to confidently making profits everyday and creating a sustainable career. BossinUpWithDrewize now has 2,500+ students worldwide.

    Последнее редактирование: 12 июл 2024
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