JOINT PURCHASES Billl Scheidt - Monthly Asset Allocation Systems Workshops

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    Billl Scheidt - Monthly Asset Allocation Systems Workshops

    Beat the market in minutes per month on a fraction of the drawdown.

    Using the world’s most popular equity indexes, ETFs, and mutual funds, these systems can be executed in even the most restrictive retirement accounts and require very little time to operate each month.

    Скриншот 26-08-2024 132717.jpg

    Course Description

    Based on academically researched concepts, these monthly asset allocation systems outperform the market with a fraction of the buy-and-hold drawdown. Using the world’s most popular equity indexes, ETFs, and mutual funds, these systems can be executed in even the most restrictive retirement accounts and require very little time to operate each month. SQNs range up to 4.46, CAGRs are as high as 16% and drawdowns are as low as ¼ of the S&P 500.

    These systems are academically rigorous, leveraging momentum and moving average concepts thoroughly tested in scholarly literature. Additionally, the application of systems thinking to portfolio management and asset management gives these systems an enormous edge over buy-and-hold investment managers and retail stock pickers. Many elements of these systems have built-in flexibility, so it’s easy to find a configuration that fits your risk profile and objectives.

    “Whale watching” is the nickname we give to the systems’ ability to identify and quantify major moves in global markets. By using the world’s largest and most popular equity indexes, ETFs, and mutual funds, these systems position investors to take advantages of the large moves created by institutional money. There’s big money in the big indexes, and if they’re moving, these systems are going to know about it, and profit from it.

    Leveraging simplicity as an edge, these systems are easy to understand and execute. This reduces cognitive load (which is a major hidden cost of trading), improves trader efficiency (i.e., less chances of making mistakes), and reduces the degrees of freedom (that means less chance of data mining, over-optimization etc.) Since they require very little time to operate each month, these systems offer an excellent pay off for the amount of time they take to execute.

    Learning Objectives
    Students will understand how to successfully trade monthly asset allocation systems in a professional and risk-managed manner, using a variation of the system that fits them as a trader, aligns with their risk profile, and meets their objectives.
    • a. Professional is defined as:
      i. incorporating the foundational elements of Tharp Think.
      ii. with accountability and responsibility for one’s results.
      iii. according to the written rules of the system.
    • b. Risk-Managed is defined as:
      i. understanding the beliefs, edges, limitations, and assumptions behind these systems.
      ii. implementing one or more variations of the systems that fit them as a trader and aligns with their objectives.
      iii. understanding how to research the risk and return associated with any given variation of the systems.

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