JOINT PURCHASES Python Programming: Learn Python Programming The Easy Way, With Hands-on Demos, Lesson-end Quizzes,

Тема в разделе "Others Сourses", создана пользователем admin, 29 авг 2024.

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    admin Administrator Команда форума

    Python Programming: Learn Python Programming The Easy Way, With Hands-on Demos, Lesson-end Quizzes,

    Скриншот 29-08-2024 151959.jpg

    Key benefits
    • Go from a beginner level to a confident level of Python programming
    • Increase your in-depth understanding of Python’s design, memory models, and more
    • Work on a competitive project at the end of the course
    • “Python is the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning.”—Adrian Rosebrock, author.
    • Python is the programming language most loved by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers.
    • This Python basic to advanced course covers the fundamental concepts of Python programming and ways to apply this to real-world applications. The course modules, lesson-end quizzes, and lesson-end projects collectively cover the training course topics such as data operations, strings, file I/O, exception handling, error handling, conditional statements, CGI programming, shell scripting, web scraping, and Django.
    • It also covers Logging Framework, Unittest Framework, Socket Programming, Tornado Framework, and Networking. You will also build a Python chat server.
    • By the end of this course, you will have the skills to create and send robust Python applications using off-the-rack libraries confidently.
    • The code bundle for this course is available at:
    What you will learn
    • Learn the basics of Python
    • Learn networking and database access using Python and CGI programming
    • Understand the Python debugger
    • Understand web scraping using Beautiful Soup
    • Learn about Python Unittest
    • Build a Python chat server

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