JOINT PURCHASES Tomas Byron's Atm Weekly Options Strategy Aeromir

Тема в разделе "Video courses, trainings, educational material", создана пользователем admin, 31 авг 2024.

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1050.00 USD
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36 USD
  • Участники покупки:
    1. admin;
  1. admin

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    Tomas Byron's Atm Weekly Options Strategy Aeromir

    What is the ATM Weekly Options Strategy
    I based my trades on statistics and probabilities. I always use defined risk and have a short holding period. Most trades are closed the same day.

    I trade SPX options which have daily expirations. The trades are simple and have low margin requirements which are suitable for large and small accounts.

    Trades are positive Theta with a profit target of +5% to +20% of the debit paid to open the position. The trades can be traded in an IRA account.

    Strategies used are Calendars, Double Calendars, Double Diagonals, Straddles, Strangles and Vertical spreads.

    Front (Short) : 0,1,2 DTE (Days to Expiration)
    Back(Long) : 2,3,4,5,6,7 DTE
    DTE and Width Selection Based on Vols Spreads Analysis