JOINT PURCHASES Transaction Speed (no Dll)

Тема в разделе "MQL5 Market", создана пользователем admin, 1 сен 2024.

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    admin Administrator Команда форума

    Transaction Speed (no Dll)


    This is the indicator for the biggest money. It's performance is exceptional. Whatever interest there is in the market you will see it.

    In almost all cases it will only give you a long term view of the market, but don't be fooled into thinking this is event bound. Nothing like that. It finds where the biggest interest is in the market and shows it to you. Do not forget that the biggest money (interests) not shown on the market everyday . That's something you haven't encountered.The price is reasonable. The monthly rent would give you probably one/two signals, nothing more. But when we talking about big money this is how they act.
    If you want the big picture here it lies

    (Demo of doesn't working. If you want to check it please contact me.)

    The transaction speed is a new concept indicator that shows where and when large orders accumulates on the market and benefits of this. It detects trend changes at very early stage. In Forex, volume is misleadingly called volume. Actually, it is price change per time, hence the correct name is transaction speed . It's all about the way we think, act and analyze. The change of the paradigma is of paramount importance. This indicator completely revises the idea of volume in Forex defining it logically in the right way and applying this logic becomes a unique and precise tool. When the speed increases it is a sign of greater interest and corresponding entry and exit.

    How to use it:

    Since the indicator measures market activity the first thing to do is choose a time period for which to make these comparisons. Usually 15/20 days back is a good starting point for comparison. You can use bigger periods. Enter a date in indicator and run it. On a 30 min or 1 hour timeframe the speed cycles are best seen. However you can use other timeframes more or less detailed.

    The top of the speed declares the greatest interest.

    We are waiting for the speed to drop below its highest values. This shows that the market has accumulated enough orders. We then wait for a breakout in either direction and trade in the appropriate direction.

    The indicator does not indicate a direction to trade.

    But in both cases the trend may be unidirectional. Market activity does not determine the trend. It may determine the phase the market is in. Interesting moments are when market activity changes. I have marked them as zone of DECLARED INTEREST. These are the money trails. And all this cannot be seen with the naked eye because we have tick volume, which is the biggest fallacy. That's what this transaction speed indicator is for, which converts tick volume into market activity, which can be trending or not. Accordingly, market activity analysis is not like tick volume. This is a very serious tool designed for advanced analysis needs.


    • Currency pair: Big tick volume instruments only EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD etc.
    • Timeframe: 30 min, 1h
    • Minimum deposit : No minimum deposit
    • Account type: No limitations
    • Brokers : No limitations

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