JOINT PURCHASES Harmonic Abcd Wizard

Тема в разделе "Expert advisors, trading robots, MT5 experts", создана пользователем admin, 8 сен 2024.

Набор участников
150.00 USD
1 из 9
Расчетный взнос:
17 USD
  • Участники покупки:
    1. admin;
  1. admin

    admin Administrator Команда форума

    Harmonic Abcd Wizard

    Automatic/semi-automatic trading robot, working on AB = CD pattern signals. It can work as an indicator. Supports sending signals in notifications, to a mobile device, as well as e-mail. The search for patterns is carried out by the universal Zigzag, Peak ZigZag, which was specially adapted to work in this EA. Through the use of the trace mode (when scanning patterns is performed on several Zig-zags with different Peak dist, see the description of the parameters), various AB = CD patterns from the smallest to the largest can be found.

    The depth and range of the scan is adjusted with minPeakDist and maxPeakDist. The accuracy or pitch of the Zig-zag scan is selected using peakDistStep starting from 1. The Peak dist parameter of the zigzag on which the pattern was found is displayed on the screen (see illustrations), which allows you to see which Peak dist has more total patterns. Thus, the EA allows you to easily select the optimal range (minPeakDist, maxPeakDist) Zigzags scan. Also, when a pattern appears, the "Select" button appears on the screen with which you can highlight the pattern from which data was read (this is useful in the case when there are too many patterns on the screen and simplifies the orientation trader).

    Thanks to this method of searching patterns, a well-thought-out entry strategy, as well as a tracing method, managed to achieve sufficient flexibility in finding patterns and a sufficiently high probability of entries on a reversal signal. If at the moment of the appearance of the pattern you have your own reversal signal, then you can enter the market manually using the corresponding buttons. Set the nEntriesMax parameter to 0 if you want the advisor not to open trades on its own. In this case, you will only see signals you can use at your discretion.

    Sending notification to email and mobile device
    Harmohic ABCD Wizard is equipped with the functions of sending notifications of signals to e-mail and mobile device. In the settings a trader can choose which signals he wants to receive. Selection is made using two parameters patternSignals and trades. More information here.

    Three main modes of trading
    A more detailed description of the EA can be found in the blog.
    Harmonic ABCD Wizard for MetaTrader 4.

    • EA Values
      • magic - magic ID
      • deviation - deviation
    • Parameters Peak ZigZag
      • minPeakDist - the minimum distance of the Zig-zag peaks
      • maxPeakDist - maximum distance of Zig-zag peaks
      • peakDistStep - step of distance of the Zig-zag peaks
    • AB = CD Values
      • cProjMin - the minimum projection of point C
      • cProjMax - maximum projection of point C
      • dProjMin - the minimum projection of point D
      • dProjMax - the maximum projection of point D
    • Parameters Of Entry AB = CD
      • entryPMin - minimum price projection for entry (entry range)
      • entryPMax - maximum entry price projection (entry range)
      • waitTurnPeriod - waiting period for the signal to rotate at point D
      • nEntriesMax - the number of simultaneous inputs
      • revercePositions - invert inputs
    • SL TP Values
      • minSL - minimum stop loss
      • kTP_OfAD - take profit ratio (calculated from distance A – D)
      • indentSL - indent stop loss from peak
      • minK_TP_SL - the minimum ratio of TP / SL or win / los, of position
      • levelsCalculation - the method of calculating levels
    • Breakeven Values
      • useBreakeven - use breakeven
      • bkTrigLvFromTP - breakeven triggered coefficient (from 0 to 1)
      • bkValue - breakeven value
    • Risk Control
      • lotsManagement - volume control mode
      • volume - volume
      • riskIDC - risk / SL (in deposit currency)
      • percRisk - risk percentage by risk management
      • percEquity - percentage of risk from free margin
    • Optimal lot mode
      • riskMin - minimal risk
      • profitReduced - recovery value
      • kDR - volume increasing factor
    • Other settings
      • vTradeBacklight - highlighting virtual positions
    • Notification Settings
      • testNotif - test notifications (for verification)
      • sendMail - e-mail notifications
      • sendNotif - notifications to a mobile device
      • alert - alerts
      • patternSignals - types of pattern signals
      • trades - types of entry signals

    Скриншот 08-09-2024 102142.jpg Скриншот 08-09-2024 102155.jpg Скриншот 08-09-2024 102210.jpg

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