Pro Trader Complete Fx Course By Chris Lori

Тема в разделе "Video courses, training material", создана пользователем admin, 27 сен 2024.

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    admin Administrator Команда форума

    Pro Trader Complete Fx Course By Chris Lori

    Скриншот 27-09-2024 092958.jpg

    Pro Trader Advanced Forex Course: The Most Advanced Forex Trading Insights and Strategies

    Are you having trouble managing positions? You just want to know what the fund managers and institutional traders are doing. Pro Trader Complete Fx Course will give you everything you need to understand the Forex market from the inside out. It is guaranteed to change your view of the market forever and will put you into a position of empowerment over the Forex market.

    The Pro Trader Complete FX course, is a result of 9 months of vigorous design and planning in which Forex trading is broken down into simple concepts that can be applied to your trading immediately.

    Chris Lori shared his techniques and insights with the traders and fund managers through all over the world as he is a popular speaker on the foreign exchange environment. Chris Lori has been placed on the global stage with frequent workshops and lectures in USA, Singapore, Canada, Europe and Australia, because of the high demand of him as a speaker, trainer and fund manager. He continues to achieve the excellence in his trading, mentoring career and fund management. Chris is a dynamic leader who knows and encourages the importance of discipline, integrity and truth through trading and through life.

    Последнее редактирование: 27 сен 2024
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